AI Gigz Hub Review: Create Your Own Fiverr-Like Marketplace! [43k Bonus From My Side]

Pintu Bachhar

 AI Gigz Hub Review

AI Gigz Hub Review

Earn $1,000+ Repeatedly With No Cold Calling Or Hard Selling Required.

Welcome to My AI Gigz Hub Review Post. Affiliate marketing remains a consistently effective method for generating income, maintaining its strong position amidst evolving online job trends. As newcomers explore ways to earn money online, the idea of launching a marketing website covering any field or topic often comes to mind. However, adapting to market dynamics and evolving customer needs is crucial.

Affiliate marketing has proven to be a profitable way for many to earn money online. It continues to thrive despite changes in online job trends. Nevertheless, adapting to market shifts and meeting customer needs is key.

Creating a gig affiliate site is a great option, especially with platforms like Upwork and Fiverr gaining popularity. These sites attract millions of users, generating substantial commission fees. Imagine owning your version of Fiverr, where listing gigs means making money effortlessly.

If this sounds appealing, let’s explore AI Gigz Hub together. It’s designed to help you capitalize on this opportunity and create a successful gig marketplace. The AI will handle tasks with exceptional quality, allowing you to focus on growing your business effectively.

AI Gigz Hub Review — The Overview

Creator: Seun Ogundele

Product: AI Gigz Hub

Front-End Price: $17

Refund: YES180 Days Money-Back Guarantee

Product Type: Software (online)

Support: Effective Response


Recommended: Highly Recommended

Skill Level Needed: All Levels

What Is AI Gigz Hub?

All right, let’s cut to the chase. AI Gigz Hub is basically like Fiverr on steroids — but instead of human freelancers, you’ve got an army of AI at your disposal. It’s a platform that allows you to create your very own AI-powered freelance marketplace in just a few clicks.

Now, I know that sounds like a mouthful, so let’s break it down. Imagine you could set up a website that offers hundreds of different services — we’re talking content writing, copywriting, image creation, audio production, and even video services. But here’s the kicker — you don’t have to do any of the work yourself. The AI handles everything from start to finish.

But it doesn’t stop there. AI Gigz Hub doesn’t just create the services — it also finds clients, processes orders, and even collects payments. It’s like having your own 24/7 digital workforce that never sleeps, never takes a vacation, and never asks for a raise.

The folks behind AI Gigz Hub are calling it the “World’s First & ONLY App That INSTANTLY Creates AI-run ‘Fiverr-Like’ Marketplace”. And honestly, I haven’t seen anything quite like it before. It’s taking two of the hottest trends in the digital world right now — freelancing and AI — and smashing them together in a way that could potentially revolutionize how we think about online services.

AI Gigz Hub Review — How Does It Work?

Now that we’ve covered the features, you might be wondering, “Okay, John, but how does this thing work?” Well, let me break it down for you. The folks at AI Gigz Hub have boiled it down to three simple steps:

Step 1: CREATE

This is where it all begins. You start by giving your marketplace a name. Don’t worry if you’re not feeling particularly creative — you can even ask the AI to come up with a name for you. Once you’ve got your name, just hit that “Create” button, and you’re off to the races.


Remember when I said this was as easy as flipping a switch? Well, this is where that comes into play. With just one click, you activate your AI-run “Fiverr-like” marketplace. And get this — it comes pre-filled with hundreds of gigs. No need to spend hours setting up services or writing descriptions. It’s all done for you.

Step 3: PROFIT

This is where things get interesting. Once your marketplace is up and running, AI Gigz Hub goes to work finding businesses that need these AI services. It then closes the deal (again, with just a click of your mouse) and gets you paid. We’re talking potential earnings of $1,000 or more, over and over again.

And the best part? You don’t have to do any cold calling, hard selling, or any hard work at all. The AI handles all of that for you.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “John, this sounds too good to be true.” And I get it. The idea that you can set up a profitable business with just three simple steps does sound a bit like magic. But that’s the power of AI. It’s taking tasks that would normally require a team of people and condensing them down into a few simple actions.

Of course, as with any business, your results may vary. But the potential here is pretty exciting. It’s like having your digital workforce that’s ready to work 24/7, finding clients, and delivering services while you sleep.


Seun Ogundele has made a name for himself as a top vendor and skilled affiliate marketer. He’s known for creating high-quality products at affordable prices that deliver real value to users.

Some of his popular releases include GoBuildr, A.I.2.Cash, TaskAI, etc. These products have helped many customers achieve impressive results in their online businesses.

In this AI Gigz Hub review, we’ll take a close look at Ogundele’s newest offering. We’ll explore what makes this product unique and why it might be worth your attention.

The Features Of AI Gigz Hub

All right, let’s roll up our sleeves and dig into the meat and potatoes of AI Gigz Hub. This platform is packed with features that are designed to make creating and running your AI-powered freelance marketplace as easy as pie. Here’s what you can expect:

AI-Run Freelance Site Builder:

This is the heart of AI Gigz Hub. With just one click, you can create a fully automated, AI-powered freelance site that sells AI services. It handles everything from finding clients to processing orders and collecting payments.

Preloaded Gig Listings:

Don’t know where to start? No worries. Your AI Gigz Hub site comes pre-filled with hundreds of in-demand gig listings. We’re not talking about obscure services that nobody wants — these are hot-ticket items that people are willing to pay big bucks for.

Custom Branding:

Your site, your brand. AI Gigz Hub gives you unique branding options so your marketplace stands out from the crowd. Your customers will think you spent ages putting it all together (but we’ll know the truth!).

AI Leads Finder:

This nifty feature helps you find businesses that need services like content creation, copywriting, ad copy, video scripts, and more. Just enter a few details, and boom — you’ve got a list of potential clients complete with contact info.

AI Broadcasts:

Want to reach out to those leads? The AI Broadcasts feature lets you send custom messages to hundreds of thousands of potential clients with just a click. Choose from templates or let the AI write the message for you.

Campaign Manager:

With all those leads, you’re going to need a way to keep track of them. The Campaign Manager helps you stay organized and follow up with potential clients.

Client Calendar:

Keep track of project deadlines, client meetings, and more with this handy calendar feature.

AI Gig Delivery:

Here’s where the magic happens. The AI doesn’t just find the clients — it delivers the gigs too. Using technology from big players like Google and Microsoft, it can fulfill orders in seconds.

Sleek Templates:

Choose from a range of professionally designed templates to give your site a polished look.

Blazing Fast Hosting:

AI Gigz Hub comes with free, fast hosting to keep your site running smoothly.

User-Friendly Interface:

The platform is designed to be easy to use, even if you’re not a tech whiz.

1-Click Logo Generator:

Need a logo? Just click a button and voila — you’ve got a professional-looking logo for your site.

Mobile Optimization:

With 60% of internet users on mobile, AI Gigz Hub ensures your site looks great on smartphones and tablets.

Cross-Browser Compatibility:

Your site will work smoothly across all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

Speed Optimization:

AI Gigz Hub uses techniques like lazy loading images and minified code to keep your site running at top speed.

That’s quite a feature list, right? The creators of AI Gigz Hub have put a lot of thought into making this platform as comprehensive and user-friendly as possible.

AI Gigz Hub Benefits

  • Create Your Own Fiverr-Like Service Marketplace
  • AI Gigz Hub enables users to create their freelance service marketplaces similar to Fiverr. This feature allows you to offer a wide variety of services without having any prior expertise.
  • 24/7 Automatic Service Provider
  • The AI technology behind AI Gigz Hub acts as your round-the-clock service provider, managing everything from client acquisition to order processing and payment collection.
  • Instant Free Traffic via Google Auto-Ranking
  • AI Gigz Hub ensures that your freelance marketplace auto-ranks on Google, bringing in instant free traffic and potential clients ready to pay for your AI services.
  • Lead Generation and Client Acquisition
  • With the built-in AI, you can find business leads ready to pay thousands of dollars for your AI services, ensuring a steady stream of clients.
  • No Technical Skills Required
  • AI Gigz Hub is designed for everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. The user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to set up and manage their marketplace.
  • 180-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • AI Gigz Hub offers a risk-free trial with a 180-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, you can get a full refund without any hassle.
  • AI Gigz Challenge
  • To further instill confidence, AI Gigz Hub offers a challenge: if you fail to succeed with their platform, they will pay you $300.

AI Gigz Hub Review: Free Bonuses

Bonus 1: AI Gigz Mobile App Builder

Quickly build mobile apps for businesses by utilizing the AI-powered AI Gigz Hub Mobile App Builder. You can easily charge $1,000 for this simple service without doing any of the actual work yourself.

Bonus 2: AI Gigz SEO Optimizer

Provide SEO Services to your customers with ease! This innovative code offers a comprehensive suite of tools for everyday use, SEO optimization, Image Optimization, Developer Tools, Website Management Tools, and more.

Bonus 3: VidMeet

Upsell your client’s high ticket services by using this free webinar/video conferencing software. This is the most powerful and convenient WordPress video conference plugin with zero coding.

Bonus 4: AI Gigz Social Proof

Increase customers on your freelancing site by using the power of social proof. Social proof is a proven way to not only grab the attention of people but convert them into paying customers.

Bonus 5: AIKit — WordPress AI Writer

Leverage the power of ChatGPT right inside of your WordPress site to quickly pump out content for your clients, or yourself.

What Is AI Gigz Hub Used For?

All right, so we’ve covered what AI Gigz Hub is and how it works. But you might still be wondering, “What’s the real-world application here? What can I use this for?” Great questions! Let’s dive in and explore some of the practical uses of AI Gigz Hub.

+ Building a Passive Income Stream: This is probably the most obvious use. With AI Gigz Hub, you can set up a freelance marketplace that essentially runs itself. The AI finds clients, delivers services, and processes payments, all while you’re off doing other things. It’s like having a 24/7 business that doesn’t require your constant attention.

+ Expanding Your Service Offerings: Maybe you’re already a freelancer or run a small agency. AI Gigz Hub allows you to expand your service offerings without having to hire more staff or learn new skills yourself. You can offer a wide range of services that the AI can handle, from content writing to image creation and more.

+ Testing New Markets: Want to see if there’s demand for a particular service in your niche? AI Gigz Hub lets you quickly set up a marketplace and test the waters without a huge investment of time or money.

+ Lead Generation: Even if you’re not interested in running a full-fledged AI-powered marketplace, you can use AI Gigz Hub’s lead generation features to find potential clients for your existing business.

+ Automating Client Communication: The AI Broadcasts feature can be a game-changer for anyone who struggles with client outreach. You can use it to send personalized messages to large numbers of potential clients, saving you hours of work.

+ Creating a Side Hustle: If you’re looking to make some extra money on the side, AI Gigz Hub could be a relatively low-effort way to do it. Set it up, let it run, and see what happens.

+ Exploring AI Capabilities: For those interested in AI and its applications in business, AI Gigz Hub provides a practical way to see AI in action. It’s like having your own AI sandbox to play in.

+ Scaling Your Business: If you’re a solo entrepreneur or run a small team, AI Gigz Hub could help you scale your operations without having to hire additional staff.

+ Streamlining Project Management: The Client Calendar and Campaign Manager features can be useful tools for managing projects and client relationships, even if you’re not fully utilizing the AI service delivery aspect.

+ Learning About Digital Marketing: By running an AI Gigz Hub marketplace, you can gain insights into digital marketing, client acquisition, and online business operations.

The beauty of AI Gigz Hub is its flexibility. While its primary purpose is to create an AI-powered freelance marketplace, the various features it offers can be used in different ways depending on your specific needs and goals.

Whether you’re looking to build a completely hands-off income stream, expand your existing business, or just dip your toes into the world of AI-powered services, AI Gigz Hub provides a platform to do so. As with any tool, the key is in how you use it.

AI Gigz Hub Pricing

All right, let’s talk money. After all, no matter how impressive a tool is, it’s got to fit your budget, right? Well, the folks behind AI Gigz Hub have put together a pricing structure that’s designed to be accessible to a wide range of users. Let’s break it down:

Front-End Pricing

The basic version of AI Gigz Hub is priced at a surprisingly affordable $17. But here’s where it gets interesting:

+ There’s an early bird discount of $3 available for the first 4 hours of the launch (from 10 am to 3 pm EST). This brings the price down to just $14.

+ After 3 pm EST, the price goes back up to the regular $17.

+ On the closing day of the launch, the price will jump to $27.

Now, I don’t know about you, but that seems like a pretty sweet deal for a tool that promises to set up an entire AI-powered freelance marketplace for you.

The Upsell

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room — the upsells. It’s pretty common in the digital product world to see a low-priced front-end offer followed by a series of upsells. And AI Gigz Hub is no exception. Here’s a breakdown of the upsell structure:

OTO 1: AI Gigz Hub Unlimited — $47

This upgrade likely offers expanded capabilities or removes certain limitations from the base version.

OTO 2: AI Gigz Hub Done For You — $297

This is probably a done-for-you service where they set everything up for you.

OTO 3: AI Gigz Hub Automation — $47

Likely offers additional automation features to make the system even more hands-off.

OTO 4: AI Gigz Hub Income Multiplier — $67

This could be strategies or tools to increase your earnings from the platform.

OTO 5: AI Gigz Hub Limitless Buyer Traffic — $67

Probably offers methods or tools to drive more traffic to your AI Gigz Hub marketplace.

OTO 6: AI Gigz Hub Copy N Paste Affiliate Profits — $47

This might be a system for using AI Gigz Hub in affiliate marketing.

OTO 7: AI Gigz Hub No Computer Payday — $67

Could be a mobile-focused version or strategies for earning without a computer.

OTO 8: AI Gigz Hub Franchise Rights — $197

This might allow you to resell AI Gigz Hub or offer it as a service to clients.

OTO 9: AI Gigz Hub DFY Profit Site — $47

Likely a done-for-you profit site built using AI Gigz Hub.

Now, let’s be real here. That’s a lot of upsells. If you were to purchase all of them, you’d be looking at an additional investment of $883. That’s a far cry from the low front-end price.

Are The Upsells Necessary?

Here’s the million-dollar question — do you need these upsells to make AI Gigz Hub work? Based on the information provided about the front-end product, the answer is likely no. The base version of AI Gigz Hub should be functional and valuable on its own.

The upsells are probably designed to enhance your experience, streamline your workflow, or potentially increase your earnings. But they shouldn’t be necessary to get started and see results.

Should You Consider The Upsells?

Whether or not to invest in the upsells depends on your specific situation, goals, and budget. Here are a few things to consider:

+ Start with the base version: Get familiar with the core product before deciding if you need any upgrades.

+ Evaluate each upsell individually: Don’t feel pressured to buy them all. Consider which ones align with your specific needs and goals.

+ Consider your budget: Only invest in upsells if they fit comfortably within your budget and you believe they’ll provide a good return on investment.

+ Look for value: Consider the potential return on investment for each upsell. Will it save you significant time or potentially increase your earnings enough to justify the cost?

+ Be wary of FOMO: Don’t let fear of missing out drive your decisions. These upsells will likely be available later if you decide you need them.

Remember, the goal is to make AI Gigz Hub work for you and your business. You don’t need to break the bank to get started. Start with the core product, see how it works for you, and then make informed decisions about any additional investments.

What Do I Think After Experiencing It?

After spending some time with AI Gigz Hub, I’ve got to say, it’s been quite the ride. Here’s my honest take on the experience:

First off, the ease of use is impressive. Setting up my AI-powered marketplace was surprisingly straightforward. The interface is clean and intuitive, and I didn’t find myself scratching my head trying to figure things out. That’s a big plus in my book.

The AI-generated content and services are… interesting. Sometimes, I was genuinely impressed by the quality. The AI churned out some content that was coherent, engaging, and on-point. Other times, though, it felt a bit generic or missed the mark slightly. It’s not perfect, but it’s certainly capable of handling many basic tasks.

One thing that stood out to me was the lead generation feature. Finding clients is often the biggest headache for freelancers, and AI Gigz Hub takes a lot of that pain away. It was fascinating to watch the system identify potential clients and even reach out to them automatically.

Automated order processing and delivery is another game-changer. It’s pretty wild to wake up and see that orders have been fulfilled while you are sleeping. It does feel like having a 24/7 digital workforce.

However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. I did encounter a few hiccups along the way. There were moments when the AI-generated content needed some tweaking before it was client-ready. And while the automation is impressive, I found myself wanting a bit more control over certain aspects of the process.

The upsells are… well, they’re there. Some of them do offer valuable features, but I couldn’t help feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of them. It’s important to carefully consider which ones you need.

One aspect I appreciated was the learning potential. Using AI Gigz Hub gave me insights into AI capabilities, digital marketing strategies, and the evolving landscape of online services. It’s been an educational experience, to say the least.

In terms of earnings, it’s still early days, but I’ve seen some promising results. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme by any means, but with some effort and strategic thinking, there’s potential here.

Overall, I’d say AI Gigz Hub is an intriguing tool with a lot of potential. It’s not perfect, and it’s not going to replace human creativity and expertise anytime soon. But as a way to leverage AI technology to streamline and scale a freelance business? It’s pretty darn impressive.

Is it worth trying? If you’re curious about AI, looking to explore new business models, or want to dip your toes into the world of automated services, then yes, I’d say give it a shot. Just remember, it’s a tool — a powerful one, but still a tool. Your success will ultimately depend on how you use it.

So, would I recommend AI Gigz Hub? For the right person with the right expectations, absolutely. It’s an affordable way to explore the cutting edge of AI-powered business tools. Just be prepared for a bit of a learning curve and don’t expect miracles overnight.

In the end, AI Gigz Hub has left me excited about the future of freelancing and digital services. It’s not perfect, but it’s a glimpse into what’s possible when we combine human creativity with AI capabilities. And that, my friends, is pretty darn cool.

AI Gigz Hub Review — Pros And Cons

All right, let’s get down to brass tacks. Every product has its strengths and weaknesses, and AI Gigz Hub is no exception. Let’s break down the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision:


+ Low Entry Cost: The front-end price is very affordable, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

+ AI-Powered Automation: The system automates many aspects of running a freelance marketplace, potentially saving you a lot of time and effort.

+ Wide Range of Services: You can offer various services without needing to have the skills yourself, thanks to AI.

+ Built-in Lead Generation: The AI can find potential clients for you, addressing one of the biggest challenges in freelancing.

+ 24/7 Operation: Your AI-powered marketplace can work round the clock, potentially increasing your earning potential.

+ Low Overhead: Since the AI is doing most of the work, you don’t need to hire a team of freelancers.

+ Scalability: You can potentially handle more clients and offer more services without a proportional increase in workload.

+ User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed to be easy to use, even for those without technical skills.

+ Customization Options: You can brand your marketplace and create a unique look with the built-in tools.

+ Potential for Passive Income: Once set up, the system can potentially generate income with minimal ongoing input from you.


+ Reliance on AI: The quality of your services will depend on the capabilities of the AI, which may not always match human-level quality for all tasks.

+ Potential for Oversaturation: If many people start using AI Gigz Hub, it could lead to market saturation and increased competition.

+ Limited Control: Since the AI is handling most tasks, you may have less control over the details of service delivery.

+ Ethical Concerns: Some clients may have concerns about AI-generated content or services, especially if it’s not disclosed.

+ Dependency on the Platform: Your business would be tied to the AI Gigz Hub platform, which could be a risk if the company faces issues or shuts down.

+ Upsell Structure: The numerous upsells might be off-putting to some users and could significantly increase the overall cost.

+ Potential for Technical Issues: As with any software, there’s always the possibility of bugs, glitches, or downtime.

+ Learning Curve: While designed to be user-friendly, there may still be a learning curve to fully utilize all features.

+ Limited Personalization: AI-generated services may lack the personal touch that some clients prefer.

+ Regulatory Concerns: Depending on your location and industry, there may be regulatory issues around using AI for certain services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is AI Gigz?

AI Gigz is an app that not only creates a freelancing site like Fiverr but also delivers hundreds of different services to your buyers using the power of artificial intelligence.

Q. Do I need to be an AI wizard to use AI Gigz?

Not at all! AI Gigz is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive dashboard that’s perfect for newbies and experts alike.

Q. What if AI Gigz doesn’t live up to the hype?

Rest easy, friend! If AI Gigz doesn’t meet your expectations within 180 days, just let us know and we’ll gladly refund every single penny.

Q. Are there any hidden fees lurking around the corner?

Not! Your one-time investment covers your lifetime access to AI Gigz, with no extra costs or hidden fees.

Q. What if I get confused while using AI Gigz?

Fear not! We’ve got your back with an exclusive library of detailed video tutorials that’ll guide you through every step of the way.

Q. Can I use AI Gigz on my PC, Mac, Android, or iOS device?

You bet! AI Gigz is designed to work seamlessly on any device, making it a true AI companion for everyone.

Q. How can I secure my exclusive AI Gigz discount?

Just click the button below, and you’ll be on your way to enjoying AI Gigz at the lowest price available. Don’t miss out on the AI revolution!

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