Amazing Selling Machine Review [New Update 2024]

Pintu Bachhar


The Amazing Selling Machine (ASM) was both the best investment I’ve ever made and the scariest one I’ve ever made.

On the one hand, it’s literally a step-by-step blueprint to scaling your Amazon FBA business to 7-figures including coaching calls and the world’s best FBA community. My Amazon FBA business is doing well over six-figures now and I owe most of that to Amazing Selling Machine.

Major 2024 Update!

ASM was known for being SUPER expensive ($4,997 and up!) for years and years.

But, exciting news for potential students: ASM has recently revamped its pricing model.

What used to be a hefty one-off fee is now an incredibly affordable subscription service.

You can either pay $999 upfront for a full year's access, saving a significant amount, or opt for a flexible monthly payment of $199. This new pricing makes the ASM course extremely accessible, breaking down the financial barriers that once existed.

You'll still need to have money to pay for inventory and software, of course.and software, of course.

I’ve used this course and toolset for well over 6 years, including the newest version – ASM 14. In this Amazing Selling Machine 14 review for 2024 I’ll cover:

  • An insider look into the newest version
  • ASM pricing and money-back guarantee
  • The people behind the scenes
  • My story and how ASM has made a huge difference (but it might not work for everyone)
  • The pros and cons
  • Alternatives to ASM 14
  • A few success stories

So grab some coffee, close all of your other ASM review tabs (RIGHT NOW), and get ready to take a deep dive.

WARNING: Most other reviews I’ve read were about ASM X/11/12/13. That course is no longer available. Make sure you’re reading an updated review or you will get the wrong information!

What is the Amazing Selling Machine?

ASM case study

The Amazing Selling Machine (ASM, for short) is the world’s most popular Amazon FBA training course. It includes an 8-week online training course, private mentorship program (including coaching calls), worldwide community of sellers, and private resource vault all designed to teach new sellers how to grow a successful Amazon FBA business from the ground up with no prior experience.

It takes the hard work and uncertainty out of starting your own eCommerce store by walking you step-by-step through building a successful Amazon FBA business.


  • Product selection and research
  • Evaluating suppliers and ordering inventory
  • Building your own brand and private label from scratch
  • Writing high-converting Amazon listings
  • Launching products
  • Marketing your products and driving traffic
  • Scaling to seven-figures and beyond

In theory, even someone with little to no prior business experience could use the ASM course to build a six or even SEVEN-FIGURE Amazon business. I have and so have others:

Amazing Selling Machine results from community

I’m not saying that you’re guaranteed to make millions just from buying the course. Far from it. I worked my ass off and invested money in my business beyond the price of the course.

Is it worth every penny? For a lot of people, YES. For some, no. I’ll get to all that in second, I just want to talk about the names behind the course right quick…

Who’s Behind Amazing Selling Machine?

ASM founders Jason Katzenback and Matt Clark

Amazing Selling Machine was founded in 2012 by Jason Katzenback and Matt Clark, 2 eCom giants that have built multiple 7 and even 8-figure businesses.

Mike McClary and Rich Henderson teach this beast (with a special appearance from Dan Ashburn), and I personally love their teaching style. Everything is simple, straightforward, and taught as if you have zero prior knowledge (key to success).

John is a philanthropist and serial entrepreneur that claims to have generated $120 million in sales for his companies. Matt is former energy trading analyst-turned eCom entrepreneur who was accepted into Harvard (then dropped out to continue beasting at

That’s about all I know about these two – other than they’re both way smarter than me.

How Does it Work (What’s Included in the Amazing Selling Machine?)

I mentioned it briefly before, but let me just cover the basics of what’s included in the ASM course.

The core of Amazing Selling Machine consists of:

1. The 8-Week Course 

Over 100 easy-to-digest video lessons with insider information on everything from selecting products to working with influencers and driving sales to new heights. They give you 8 weeks, but you can do it in less if you grind.

Let me put it this way, I was doing well on Amazon before buying this course and I still learned tons of new information. Mike, Rich, and Dan guide you through a journey that even includes new information that no one else knows yet. Sweet!

FAST FACT: ASM members that joined between 2013-2016 and completed the program earned a median average revenue of $60,750, according to That’s a more than 12x return on investment per year!

2. The ASM Mentorship Program

ASM Mentorship Program

The ASM Mentorship program is a brain trust of highly successful Amazon sellers that guides you through building your store, helping answer your issues and giving you advice on products, marketing, and store optimization.

I don’t know any of the mentors personally outside of the course, but 50+ years of combined experience and tens of millions in sales don’t lie. The company even claims that the average mentor has achieved nearly $2 million in Amazon sales

The biggest advantage for you (other than the wealth of knowledge) is the guarantee that the advice is 100% proven and up-to-date. You can Google answers to any question related to Amazon FBA, but you can’t ever be sure the person really knows what they’re talking about.

Warning: Forum posters are known to give bad advice just to protect their own stores. They don’t want extra competition!

When the answers come from a mentor, you know that it’s been tested on a seven-figure store and worked.

NOTE: I haven’t personally used the mentorship program much, since I was already selling on Amazon before buying the course. However, all the advice I have received has been helpful, and it really helps having someone there to ask questions to. At any time I can ask “hey, am I doing this right?” or “what do you think of this listing?”. It’s a big help!

3. The Amazing Selling Machine Private Community

Amazing Selling Machine Private Community

This might be worth the price of the course alone. 99% of the obstacles you face in building your store have already been solved by someone else. Instead of solving them on your own, you can just get some help from someone who’s been there and done that.

The private community around ASM is one of the best in the industry. The company calls this “the ultimate collection of brainpower” in terms of Amazon FBA, and they aren’t that far off.

Everyone keeps everyone else motivated, and community competitions and badges gamify the usually boring process of building a store.

Check out the badges!

gamifying ecommerce sales

4. The Private Resource Vault

ASM private resource vault - amazon fba

The Private Resource Vault is a valuable collection of tools and resources that the founders have personally used to build their own Amazon stores.

Tucked away in this vault are supplier templates, product evaluation templates, contact deals of services like transportation companies and photographers (this was CLUTCH!), and even discounts to services that help you grow. This is like getting a window into the mind of the founders. Huge value here.

Amazing Selling Machine Review and My Personal Journey

I’ve been in eCommerce/online marketing/affiliate marketing since prehistoric times. Don’t believe me? Check out my first business:

my first online business

I got started with small-time SEO. You know, starting a site, filing it with spun content, buying a few crappy links, and somehow ranking for competitive keywords.

Then things got tougher…

I knew I had to broaden my horizons. That’s when I started getting into affiliate marketing. I was one of “those guys” that had a bunch of successful niche sites, but no brand of his own.

That’s when I started to notice something – pretty much all of the most successful people in the industry were in Amazon FBA. They had their own brand on Amazon or private label products.

Looking back, that’s not really surprising. Amazon is killing it!

amazon growth over the years

And there are over a million new sellers joining per year! That’s actually a good thing. That means there’s a ton of opportunity.

So how did I launch and break the six-figure mark?

Like I said before, I worked my ASS OFF! To be honest, I was already modestly successful at Amazon FBA BEFORE I bought ASM in 2017.

I spent god knows how long painstakingly researching products, figuring out the supplier game (and taking risks!), learning how to build a store, and working my coffee tolerance up to 7 cups per day.

The biggest benefit to me in terms of the ASM course wasn’t how to build a store, but more how to optimize it. I learned game-changing secrets about Amazon FBA listings, running ads, converting traffic, finding better suppliers, and solving the most common store issues.

My ROI on ad spend is almost stupid at this point. And I’m spending 5 figures a month easily. All from a few secrets I would have never known without ASM.

But looking back, I really wish I had bought it in the beginning. It would’ve taken all of the hardest work and uncertainty out of building my store. I could very well be at seven-figures already if I’d bought it.

What made me purchase the course?

I was skeptical at first. The price tag was nearly $4,000! But I wanted the best training course around, and the testimonials were impeccable. Not to mention this course has a golden reputation in the FBA community.

Even better for you… The price is as low as $83/mo for you these days.

So all of the testimonials, word of mouth, and the free tools I downloaded (More on those later), eventually convinced me to buy.

And it’s been worth it!

A Full of Breakdown of the Amazon Selling Machine 14 (Complete Upgrade)

is ASM up to dateasm videos preview

ASM 14 is the latest version of the Amazing Selling Machine.

Jason and Matt are always upgrading the course to reflect the latest knowledge and best practices. That’s a good sign. Most guys sell outdated information, and then once you master it, it’s even more outdated!

The latest version is a huge upgrade over ASM 12/13 (60% NEW CONTENT). Here’s how next level the upgrade is (And why I think these guys are geniuses).

Jason and Matt actually surveyed customers and analyzed their traffic for the biggest issues/obstacles to purchase. Then they added new solutions, features, and tools to the product suite to solve those issues.

Here’s what’s new in the Amazing Selling Machine upgrade:

  • A private sourcing agent: ASM actually finds 3 suppliers for you and negotiates on your behalf. That way you eliminate the risk of being scammed.
  • Lead-gen Google Chrome extension: An easy-to-use tool that helps you find high potential, low-competition products.
  • FREE lifetime upgrades: Lifetime access to every new version of the tool.
  • Coaching calls: Mike McClary and Rich Henderson will call you personally and answer all of your questions!
  • Dan Ashburn’s launch strategies: Dan and his team don’t mess around. ASM 13 includes all of the launch strategies Dan has used to earn 12 million in sales.
  • Amazon branding tool suite: A new suite of tools to help build a successful private brand and private label.

Let Me Walk You Through Each Module of Amazing Selling Machine 14

ASM modules overview

Welcome Module


This module walks you through everything from the ASM dashboard to the community and valut. Then, it gives you success principles that lay the foundation for crushing it with your store.

From there, it takes you through Amazon Seller Central so you know what you’re up against.

Module 1: Finding the Perfect Product

I geek out hardcore on finding golden products to sell on Amazon FBA. I’m the kind of guy that will analyze product trends in his spare time for fun (I have friends, I promise. Kind of…). So this module was my favorite.

It walks you through finding red hot products, which product categories to explore and which to avoid, ASM product selection criteria, and even patent searching.

Module 2: Evaluating Suppliers and Samples

This was my biggest struggle in the early days of my store. How do you know who to trust? What makes a good supplier? How do I tell a high-quality product from a piece of garbage?

This module contains proven evaluation methods as well contact templates, how to calculate profit margins, and ordering samples.

Module 3: Ordering Inventory and Creating Your Brand

This module includes:

  • How to evaluate a product
  • How to order a product
  • How to create a brand
  • How to create listings that convert
  • Designing product packaging
  • How to order inventory the right way

Module 4: Building Your Brand Assets

This juicy module is full of expert branding tips, including how to create your website, your brand’s Facebook page, build a subscriber list, and generate product reviews.

By the end of this module, you’ll know exactly how to set up your brand for growth across the web.

Module 5: The Perfect Product Page

This was the most helpful module for me in the beginning. I didn’t realize how bad my initial Amazon listings were. Even minor tweaks could easily improve your conversion rates by a few percentage points or more. And that’s HUGE.

Here you’ll learn how to craft the perfect titles for SEO and conversions, how to write bullet points that sell, and how to write a product description the right way. Then it moves on to images, emails, and crafting product pricing for traffic and sales.

Module 6: The Perfect Product Launch

Launching your product the right way can make the difference between millions in profit and, well, not so much. Don't believe me? Check out this case study.

This module walks you step-by-step through a proper launch. Including, the objectives of a launch, planning, analyzing data to optimize your launch, structuring your campaign, generating reviews, optimizing price, and how to maximize sales and minimize the risk of losing rank if you run out of stock.

Module 7: Advanced Traffic and Marketing Tools

This is where things start to get really advanced. If your store gets to this point, you’re killing it!

The key points touched on here are next level customer service, how to optimize traffic for conversions, optimizing Amazon ads, split testing, how to run promotions, and building out your team.

I learned a ton from this module about optimizing ads, and it’s made all the difference this past year.

Module 8: Taking Your Business to the Next Level

We choose to go to the moon in this decade…not because it is easy, but because it is hard” – President Kennedy in reference to his first Amazon FBA store

This module shows you all of the “secrets” that most other FBA’ers neglect in growing their businesses.

We’re talking about Facebook retargeting, Instagram marketing, building an email list, Google and YouTube ad domination, and working with influencers to bring your brand to millions of people.

Extra Features You Should Know About

1. The ASM Dashboard

the ASM dashboard

This is the command center of the entire product. The first impression is great in my opinion. Here’s what I like about it:

  • Clean design
  • No clutter
  • Simple to navigate
  • Gamified journey

The ASM Journey Roadmap tracks your progress through the course and incentivizes you to keep going when your brain keeps telling you to quit. The game starts out with simple badges like setting up your profile and progresses to high-end store growth achievements. Kind of like an RPG.

2. The Amazing Profit Miner

The Amazing Profit Miner review

I love this Chrome Extension.

It quickly shows all of the product information for any given Amazon SERP. Including category, monthly sales, revenue, and reviews. And you can use all of this information to find “nuggets of gold”.

I use it any time I’m researching a new product. And it’s 100% FREE!

Check it out!

amazing profit miner dashboard overview

ASM 14 Price: How Much Does the Amazing Selling Machine Cost?

The Amazing Selling Machine 14 package now only costs $83/mo if you commit to a year upfront or $199/mo with flexible, monthly payments. It's important to note that for years, it cost $4,997 to up-front buyers.

You've got a way lower barrier to entry these days.

The price includes the 100+ training videos, community, mentorship program, resource vault, and coaching calls. Plus it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee and a 6-month success guarantee (explained below).

Is ASM really worth it?

The Amazing Selling Machine used to be expensive as hell.

That’s what put me off of buying at first. I’m an entrepreneur at heart, but even I have reservations about dropping 5 grand on anything, let alone a course.

I didn’t change my mind until I spoke to a friend of mine whose business was crushing it. He told me to think about the value instead of the price.

This is literally a blueprint to scaling your eCom store to six figures and beyond.

On top of that… YOU don't even have to pay the $5K I did! It's $83/mo now!…

Remember, the company’s stats show the average median revenue of students who complete the course to be above $60,000/yr. I don’t want to sound like a shady used car salesman, but it’s almost like you’re paying $999 to learn how to generate $60,000 in revenue.

The individual resources themselves – I mean the course, mentorship, community, and resource vault – might be worth the price alone. All 4 together is a no brainer.

I paid $5,000, and my store is bringing in more money than it ever has before. It was expensive, but man am I happy I bought it. And if you aren’t satisfied, there are two guarantees that make this a no-brainer in my opinion.

asm guarantee and refund policy

  • 30-day money-back guarantee: If you aren’t satisfied, they offer a 100% refund within 30 days. Your refund will be processed within 3 days.
  • 6-Month Success Promise: This is the best guarantee online. It totally removes all of the risk from the program if you ask me. If you complete the course and launch a product within 6 months according to their requirements, ASM will buy back your membership AND reimburse you for up to $7,500 in unsold inventory!

Read the full terms on their site.

Is the Amazing Selling Machine a Scam?

The Amazing Selling Machine is absolutely not a scam. I know because I’ve used it to build my store, and I know plenty of others selling on Amazon because of it too.

And the company’s website and Facebook community are full of ASM success stories like these:

1. $10,000 in revenue within 6 months

10k revenue in 6 months

2. $100,000 in revenue in 9 months

100,000 revenue in 9 months

3. $216,000 in revenue

216,000 revenue from amazon FBA

Of course, you always need to take what you read online with a grain of salt (except this review!).

But ASM also has a ton of high-profile online entrepreneurs in its affiliate web, and they wouldn’t ever attach their name to something that would jeopardize all of their hard work and reputation.

Oh, and I don’t know about you, but when Sir Richard Branson works with a company, I pay attention.

ASM testimonials and reviews

So now you have me, testimonials and success stories, and RICHARD ******* BRANSON telling you this is legit. What else do you need?

How about being featured on Forbes and Business Insider?

featured on forbes and business insider

OK, so ASM is not a scam and totally legit, so why all the hate?

There’s definitely a lot of hate online (SURPRISE!!!). People calling it a scam, random trolls saying “just Google it!”, and people with no money complaining it’s way overpriced.

The hatred probably stems from 3 reasons:

  • They couldn’t succeed at their own Amazon stores
  • They don’t have the money to afford it
  • They are successful Amazon entrepreneurs that don’t want more competition

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was mostly #3. The trolls who say “you can Google everything” clearly don’t understand the value of coaching calls, resources, and the community. Not to mention the videos are full of info that you CAN’T GOOGLE.

And even if you could, would you want to spend 4-5 hours a day Googling answers when you can get them instantly from a trusted source?

Amazing Selling Machine 14 is NOT A SCAM! It's still by far the best Amazon FBA course out there.

Closing Thoughts…

I want to wrap up by giving my final verdict and why I think this is the best Amazon FBA course out there, but not for everyone.

But first, let’s cover what I like and don’t like.

What I Like:

1. Actionable tips you can implement instantly

Not only does ASM contain tons of great information, it’s also highly actionable.

I implemented advice for my Amazon listings and ads instantly, and saw amazing results in less than a week, and I was already doing things at scale.

Once I got past the first 2 modules, I started learning something new in almost every new video. There’s very little “theory” in this course. Just pure, unadulterated Amazon knowledge bombs.

2. The Community

Like I said before, the community might be worth the price alone. They keep me motivated (And entertained), and I love the competitions. I’m uber competitive and hate losing. That helps me strive to get better.

Also, whenever I have an issue, tons of people from around the globe reach out to help. It’s really like a big family.

3. Unparalleled Access to Experts

These guys are the best of the best, and the mentors have each generated millions from selling on Amazon for their own stores. No other course gives you this level of access to brilliant Amazon FBA minds.

The weekly coaching calls are priceless. It helps to have someone who’s “been there done that” give you advice on your store and encourage you to keep going.

4. It’s the Best

Sounds basic, but it’s the only way to say it. Over 100 videos, resource vault, an amazing community, great mentors_there’s no other course like it.

You pay for what you get, but it’s worth it.

What I Don’t Like

1. Price

This is the elephant in the room. It’s $5,000. Then you need money for inventory. Then you need money for tools like JungleScout. Then you’ve got to invest money in ads. See what I mean?

I put a lot of hard work and money into my business, and it’s paid off. But rest assured the price of getting a six-figure store off the ground ain’t cheap. With the money-back guarantee, you don’t really have to worry though.

Update: Well, this bit is now irrelevant as it is way cheaper these days, only at $83/mo 🙂

2. They Aren’t Open Year-Round

This course is so popular and requires so much attention from the staff that it isn’t open year-round. They don’t always take on new students. This is to maintain the integrity of the coaching and customer service. That alone shows the dedication to helping you succeed.

So, when you do see that it's open – jump on the train as soon as possible. There's literally no risk due to the money back guarantee.

Final Verdict

The Amazing Selling Machine is the best Amazon FBA course out there.

No other course rivals the depth of knowledge, access to resources, mentorship, and direct coaching that they offer. And it comes with the world’s best community of successful FBA entrepreneurs. I’m convinced that anyone can build a successful store with it as long as they follow the steps and work hard.

However, it is really expensive and definitely NOT for you if you aren’t a self-motivated person.

Each module walks you step-by-step through what to do, but it won’t do it for you. And it’s definitely NOT for you if you don’t have the funds to invest in building your store.

If you’ve got the money to build a store, this is the ONLY course you should invest in.

Click here to check out their free webinar which will walk you through the exact business model, the next steps, and a myriad of free bonuses to get you started.

Don't like it? Easy – ask for your money back and they'll take care of it.

This 12-module online course includes all of the knowledge you need to build an Amazon FBA business plus some quality direct coaching.

You don’t get the same depth of knowledge, and you don’t get the same community, resources, or coaching. But if you’re on a budget, this course is definitely worth a look.

If you’ve got the money, I recommend going for ASM

I’ve heard good things about this course, and it has a ton of happy customers around the world. It tends to cover things more broadly rather than in granular depth like ASM. And it doesn’t come with any of the support, coaching, or community like ASM does.

It’s a great deal if you’re an Amazon seller on a real tight budget.

The same reasoning applies here… To truly succeed at FBA you NEED the accountability that ASM provides, the community, easy access to the mentors, and so on.

It's a no-brainer and the more you hear from these guys, the easier the decision becomes. Check out the free webinar and see for yourself.

Amazing Selling Machine FAQ

Q: What is the ASM course?

A: The ASM course is a training course, community, mentorship program, and insider resource vault designed to help anyone build a six or seven figure Amazon business from the ground up with 0 prior experience. It’s by far the most popular Amazon FBA training online.

Q: What is the best FBA course?

A: In my opinion, it’s the Amazing Selling Machine, but others may disagree. No other course gives you the mentorship program, resources, discounts, strategies, and community that this course does. It’s expensive but worth every penny.

Q: Are there Amazing selling machine events?

A: SellerCon, ASM’s Amazon seller conference, is the largest Amazon sellers event out there. This 3-day conference is where you go to meet the movers and shakers in the industry, learn bold new strategies, and network like a boss.

Q: Is the Amazing Selling Machine free?

A: Obviously not. Nobody would ever give this much value away for free. It’s a blueprint for a business selling on Amazon. However, there are free tools including the new product hunter Google Chrome extension that helps you find high value, low-competition products to sell on Amazon.

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